What is Cloud analytics platform?

Snapshots of Traditional Data Analytics

Generally traditional analytics tools are built to address specific analytic process for each function of the business. It requires the infrastructure to do the processes like data extraction, data clean, profiling, create data model, report sharing and insight with dashboards. In addition to this, It needs, skill sets like IT developers, data scientists, and business analysts to do the analytic process.

Challenges in traditional analytics processes are 

  1. Big budget of initial and operation cost  required to scale it and afford this infrastructure.

  2. Need to spend more even for a trial of any analytics application suits their requirement. 

  3. Managing and maintaining the different levels of skill-set analysts to complete the total analytics tasks. 

Era of  Cloud Analytics Platform 

Cloud analytics enables any organization to analyse or intelligence procedures by an  individual. These applications are as a solutions that delivered through cloud models. such as data warehouse, Master data management, Data cleaning & wrangling, Business functional analysis and reports powered by the cloud. 
Cloud analytics services work like a typical data analytics service, providing similar features and capabilities without any initial cost  and very minimal operation cost. 
Cloud analytics integrates most of data sources from on premises, cloud storage &  API data models to deliver the best insight possible.

Benefits Cloud Analytics Platform

Zero or very minimal capital expenditure

The ability to source IT services on-demand – as and when they are required – allows businesses to move to an investment model based on operational expenditure.

Zero maintenance and get rid of upgrades

Cloud computing provider is responsible for server, software and network management, in-house IT professionals can be allocated other work.

Mobility Possible

Executives can work from almost anywhere. They can access important files, data, documents and IT tools from a range of devices from almost any connected location. Cloud analytics platform at their fingertips. 

Dynamic in Capacity

Cloud analytics platform can be turned off, up or down as per the requirements of the user. For instance, To run a very big data capacity can be immediately connected to the platform without crashing of servers. After completion of analysis the capacity can be reduced to normal usage size will minimize the operating costs.
