With Bizstats AI,

The data analysis
become more smarter.

And now with Bizstats AI, everyone has the tools they need to do their own data analysis.

Focus on what matters - the business - with AI from Bizstats AI

Built into Bizstats AI Analytics Platform,

the artificial intelligence performs various tasks like auto data mapping, understand user query, analyze data based on your unique business data. These tasks help your employees to be more productive and innovate.


Integrate more data with AI-powered Platform, and take business even further with Bizstats AI

With Bizstats AI built-in analyses, Users can conduct more analyses on their business data to solve their specific business challenges. Now every user can have AI that’s customized for their unique business, without needing a data scientist.


See how Bizstats AI makes every part of your data analysis faster.

AI features are now available across the entire Bizstats AI Analytics Platform. With Al embedded with analysis platform, everyone can now have a data scientist working for them with no data preparation or model management required. Your analysis platform constantly grows smarter, making you more productive and your customers happier.

Teach yourself artificial intelligence

Learn about artificial intelligence with the free resources.

We Know Data

Our data expertise span multiple decades in many industries like retail, manufacturing, media, banking & credit bureau, e-commerce, healthcare, transportation, etc. We have delivered data projects of different sizes successfully with positive business impact. This lead us to our product Bizstats AI with the vision,

“Put data analytics in the hands of every user”

Take your step to become a data-driven business.

Discover how Bizstats is committed to your success. Learn how we can help you to analyze, find and grow your business fast
