
To connect Snowflake database with Bizstats.AI select Snowflake from the connection page, and will popup the create connection form as shown in the below image.

Snowflake page


Step 1: Filling the information

Connection Name:
Type your Connection name as meaningful for future reference.

Type your user (login) name of Snowflake account.

Type your Snowflake account password.

Type your account name from your url.

Type your database name which is associated with your account.

Step 2: Test connection

After filling the following details Click “Test” to test your data warehouse. So that your data warehouse can be verified and get connected.  If your test results successfully you can connect your Data warehouse with BizStats.AI.

Step 3: Save the Connection

Click “Connect” and save the connection.

Note: To close the popup select  “Close” option. 