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Feature List Description Looker PowerBI Tableau Qlik Thought spot Bizstats DWS
Auto generate report Automatically generate end-to-end workflows from data ingest to report generation
Auto generate analysis
Auto generate visualization Built-in analysis support for a broad range of advanced use cases
No coding analytics
Augmented analytics Augmented analytics is the use of enabling technologies such as machine learning and AI to assist with data preparation -
Group collaboration Group collaboration means collaborate on your apps and share your data discoveries
Automated mapping Detect source data type & dp mapping for connected sources with less user interaction - - - -
Boards Create, share and distribute powerful, interactive dashboards to support executives, business leaders and users.
Natural language Search & Conversational Analytics Faster and easier way to ask questions and discover insights through natural language.This enables users to query data using business terms that are either typed into a search box or spoken.
Custom & Embedded Analytics Rapidly develop custom apps and new visualizations, and embed analytics in operational apps. Capabilities include an SDK with APIs and support for open standards in order to embed analytic content into a business process, an application or a portal.
Scalable Pricing Ready to find out more Flexible and scalable licensing options - - - -
Fully managed SaaS solution -
Make Cloud Data Warehouse Searchable - -
Stay on the latest updated product Deliver regular upgrades and handle maintenance, so focus only on the insights that help run business.
Model complexity Support for complex data models, including the ability to handle multiple fact tables, interoperate with other analytic platforms and support knowledge graph deployments.
Catalog The ability to automatically generate and curate a searchable catalog of the artefacts created and used by the platform and their dependencies - -
Automated insights A core attribute of augmented analytics, this is the ability to apply ML techniques to automatically generate insights for end users (for example, by identifying the most important attributes in a dataset).
Advanced analytics Advanced analytical capabilities that are easily accessed by users, being either contained within the ABI platform itself or usable through the import and integration of externally developed models.
Data visualization Support for highly interactive dashboards and the exploration of data through the manipulation of chart images. Included are an array of visualization options that go beyond those of pie, bar and line charts, such as heat and tree maps, geographic maps, scatter plots and other special purpose visuals.
Data storytelling The ability to combine interactive data visualization with narrative techniques in order to package and deliver insights in a compelling, easily understood form for presentation to decision makers. -
Natural language generation (NLG) The automatic creation of linguistically rich descriptions of insights found in data. Within the analytics context, as the user interacts with data, the narrative changes dynamically to explain key findings or the meaning of charts or dashboards. - - -

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